
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week 6 - Georeferencing Rasters

This is the Georeferencing Rasters Lab ... all went well ... I was surprised at the residuals I got on the two photos ... 1st order RMS 5.98 on the first ... 2nd order RMS 7.52 on the second photo ... I have done these in the past where you had really big numbers no matter what ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week Five - Data Download

Took a little longer than I expected ... Jefferson County doesn't have as much readily available online as some ... working with a source to aquire what I need ...

The trouble I had, again, is that I can not get ArcGis to clip anything ...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week Four Deliverable - Projection Exercise

This was definitely the most challenging assignment yet ... I never became satisfied with the legend. I did not like the area being shown next to the county seperated by a comma. I also had trouble getting the background of the overall document to appear in a color other than white ... in the end I was content with the final deliverable.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week Four Deliverable - Project: Haiti

I ran into difficulty choosing on map. I really liked both of these maps, but for different reasons. Map 1,(found through Reliefweb), I think was really well done and provided just enough information to serve as a tool for first responders to strategically deploy in area that are most likely to have the most victims.

Map 2, (found through the European Commissions Joint Research Centre), I liked because it conveys a clear presentation of the data collected in an informative manner. Again the information could be vital in assessing areas likely to have widespread devastation.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week Three Deliverable - Map 3

The elevation map came more naturally for me due to my background in surveying and engineering. I prefered the stretched over the classified for this application but I can easily see instances were the classified would be the prefered choice.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week Three Deliverable - Map 2

This is a map of the infrastructure of Central Mexico is relation to population centers. I seemed to struggle a little with keeping the scale at 1:5,000,000 when switch back and forth the layout view and the data view. The legend had previously given me some trouble but I seemed to get it after realizing to get the names set up was as simple as clicking on the TOC and changing it. Color choice became an increasingly obvious priority as to properly display the story of the map.

Week Three Deliverable - Map 1

The attached map is a population map of the country of Mexico with the states delineated. The most difficulty I encountered on this assignment was settling on a scale. My survey and engineering background, plus maybe a touch of OCD, lead me finally manually adjust the map scale to 1:15,500,000 ...